
GlobalEVerify provides an advanced API for your usage, please follow the below instructions on how to use the API.

Note: to use the API you will first need to setup your API access in your account dashboard.

Running calls to the API

To process calls on the API you will need to execute a HTTP GET request to the given URL with the required variables:

Base url: http://www.globaleverify.com/api/

Example method:

URL : /sms/GetNumber?apiId={ID}&secret={SEC}

{ID} - provided api id

{SEC} - provided api secret

Responses will always be in a JSON format

Example response:


Possible status codes:

Success - the API call was executed successfully
Failure - the API call failed
InternalError - the API call caused an internal error and engineers have been notified

(not repeated InternalErrors will lead to your account being put on hold)

Possible error codes:

Non - no error
NotAuthorised - the API call was not authorised
UnknownApiCode - the API call used an incorrect API code or secret
NoCreditsInAccount - You do not have sufficient credits in your account for this call
NoNumberAvailable - the API call returned no numbers for the given request
NoNumberInRangeAvailable - the API call returned no numbers for the given range
NumberNotInAccount - the API block call was for a number not in your account
NoActiveNumberForService - the API call returned no numbers for the given service
NumberNotFound - the API block call was for an unknown number
NoNumbersAllocatedToAccount - the API call returned no allocated numbers for your account
MessageNotAvailable - the API call returned no messages for the given message ID
UnknownService - the API call returned no services for the given service name

API Call List

Get Credit Balance

Get New Number

Get New Number In Range

Get Service Codes and Names

Get Number By Service

Get Number in Range By Service

Get Number For Service

Get Number in Range For Service

Get Last SMS Message for Number

Get All SMS Messages for Number

Get Numbers Currently Allocated To Your Account

Block A Number

Removing a used Sms Message By Service Name

Get Last SMS Message for Number without any removed/used messages

Get All SMS Messages for Number without any removed/used messages